Static Stormwater Remediation Chemistry
Vault-Ox® technology will improve the performance of your Hydrodynamic Separator, OGS, Baffle Box or other stormwater treatment system.
Between storm events, static water accumulated in underground treatment and storage structures, rapidly becomes anoxic (without oxygen). This occurs when metabolic oxidation exceeds O2 supply. This results in generation of sulfides and ammonia; reduction of Fe3+ to Fe2+ releasing phosphate in solution.

Vault-Ox® can be added to the standing stormwater immediately or placed in our Vault-Ox® Infusion Modules (white cylinders above), which are placed inside our structures.
See what Vault-Ox® can do for you:
• Enhance removal of Total Phosphorus, Heavy Metals, and Fecal and Pathogenic Bacteria
• Prevent acidification when sulfides are oxidized
• Buffer pH
• Reduce free Hydrogen Sulfide
• Prevent septic conditions
• Absorb Ammonia
• Lower COD/BOD
Vault-Ox® is a source of ion exchange
• Adsorption and removal of Ammonia produced by aerobic digestion
• Adsorption and removal of heavy metal contaminants
VaultOx® is also effective in the adsorption of:
• Mercury
• Lead • Arsenic • Chromium • Copper |
• Zinc
• Cobalt • Nickel • Barium • Antimony |
Beneficial Reactions
At neutral pH, Vault-Ox® slowly releases Oxygen and Calcium, improving DO, elevating and buffering pH:
2CaO2+2H2O → 2Ca(OH)2+O2
At lower pH, Vault-Ox® dissolves faster and produces increasing amounts of Hydrogen Peroxide:
CaO2 + 2H+ → Ca2++ H2O2
Peroxide generated leads to a number of beneficial reactions: Oxidation of Sulfides, Fenton Oxidation, Decomposition:
H2O2 + H2S → S + 2H2O
H2O2 + Fe2+ → Fe3++ HO· + OH–
2H2O2 → 2H2O + O2
Vault-Ox® enhances oxidation pyrites and Fe2+ → Fe3+ becoming available for Phosphorus binding (as Ferric Phosphate). It also degrades organic contaminants. Phosphorus released by decomposition remains trapped in sediments.