Vault-Ox® Chosen to Enhance Competitor’s Products

City of Casselberry to Use Vault-Ox® in All Stormwater Treatment Structures

July 14, 2015

In response to a study performed in 2014 by the Florida Department of Environmental (FDEP) Protection, the City of Casselberry will begin to use EcoSense International’s (ESI) Vault-Ox® in all of their stormwater treatment structures to improve discharge numbers.

The order of Vault-Ox being prepared for shipment to Casselberry.

The order of Vault-Ox being prepared for shipment to Casselberry.

Vault-Ox® is a granular media that can be added to the sump of any stormwater treatment device, such as a Second Generation Baffle Box. Vault-Ox® has been proven to increase overall removal rates as well as maintain aerobic conditions within the sumps. The independent study conducted in 2014 by the FDEP reported that, “the two EcoVault® units…which featured both the media filter & the Vault-Ox® components demonstrated markedly better total phosphorous removal (41-57%) than is typically seen in gross pollutant separator devices.”1

The city purchased 21 buckets of Vault-Ox® and will continue to do so annually for the foreseeable future.

More information about Vault-Ox® and its many benefits can be found in the Products section of our website.



1. City of Casselberry, F. (2014). Baffle Box with Media Filtration Installation, Effectiveness Evaluation, and Associated Education for the Lake Jesup Watershed. Casselberry, FL: City of Casselberry.